Wednesday 11 November 2009

Task 2 reasearch into existing products:textual analysis

the omen (2006)- horror

The Omen is an american horror remake released in 2006 and directed by John moore.
the opening credits of The Omen uses many codes and conventions of the horror genre, which we can identify within the first 2 or 3 minutes.
the title sequence uses a familiar dark black background with contrasting white writing. this is often used in horror films. it could perhaps reflect the binary opposites of good and evil or simply be used to help create an eerie atmosphere.
on he right hand side of the frame we can see a red silhouetted image of a child with a crucifix shadow. the colour red in horror films often has connotations of death or fear and it often appears in the opening credits of horror films.the crucifix as the shadow may suggest that the plot will be linked to religion as is often the case with many modern horror films (i.e. the devil and the afterlife).also the non-diegetic music is loud and eerie. it sounds like a choir singing which re-enforces the possibility of the plots religious link.
when we reach the opening sequence, the first shot is very dark. we're told via a small message in the lower corner, that it is 'June 6th, 6am'. in religious terms the number 6 could be symbolic of the devil. the low level lighting is a typical convention of horror and it would suggest that much of the film will take place during hours of darkness.
we then hear a whispering voice that speaks of the death of a child. the whispering is eerie and combined with the dark setting creates a tense atmosphere.
in the opening sequence there are several effective camera shots used that are typical of the horror genre. there are several high and low angle shots, showing dominance and vulnerability. there is also an establishing shot that looks through the railings on the stairs. i thought this shot was very effective as it appeared as if somebody was watching out of sight of the characters.perhaps stalking them or simply eavesdropping.
overall i would say that the opening sequence is affective and uses many codes and conventions of the horror genre.

Hitch- romantic comedy

Hitch is a romantic comedy directed by Andy Tenant, starring Will Smith and Eva Mendes. It was released in 2005 and received over 20 award nominations.
The credits open with a cheesy non-diegetic love song and from this we immediately get an idea of the films genre. Cheesy feel good songs are a common convention used in romantic comedies it makes the film light hearted and more appealing to the target demographic in this case the stereotypical viewer of a Rom-com would be a young women.
As the sequence begins the easily recognised voice of will smith speaks to us as the narrator. His opening statement is; Basic Principles - no woman wakes up saying "God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today!” Just from the warm tone and content of what he says we can recognize the movies genre. We know that he is speaking about relationships between sexes and the complications that often occur through them. This offers an understanding of the plot; we can identify that at some point in the film a complication will occur because of chemistry between two people.
The first shot we see is a close up of a ringing alarm clock. This shot establishes equilibrium, the idea of routine for the women in the shot. The camera pans and shows a women waking up. She is alone in bed and her facial codes would suggest that she is fed up and alone in her daily life. This idea of loneliness in a romantic-comedy is pivotal in understanding the need for relationships and love. So again this reflects the genre of the film.
The opening sequence then goes on to show interaction between men and women. There are a large number of two shots and shot reverse shots, used to emphasize the different types of communication between members of the opposite sexes. This is also reinforced by what the narrator talks about. He speaks about the different types of communication between men and women and which types we use most.
There is a POV shot used that displays eye contact or an exchange of looks between a man and a woman as she walks down the street. This is something that occurs when two people are attracted to one another.
Will Smith (Hitch) is shown in a close up shot and directly addresses the audience. This makes the audience able to apply what he is saying to their own lives. They ask themselves the same questions he is asking and answer them sub-consciously being drawn into the plot.
The opening of Hitch is successful and follows the codes and conventions of Romantic Comedies.

Fight club- Thriller

The opening sequence of fight club displays many of the codes and conventions of the thriller genre. The movie was directed by David Fincher and was released in 1999.
The opening sequence begins with non-diegetic drum and bass music. It is loud and fast, it gets the viewers blood racing. It does what the genre would suggest it thrills you. The opening credits are shown as a journey through the cells of a human body. There are bright flashes both in the background and as the actors names are revealed. They reflect the fast pace of the music and intensify the viewing experience drawing us to the edge of out seats.
As we progress through the scene we exit the body and move along an extreme close up of a gun barrel held in the mouth of a sweating man in a suit. His facial codes display fear and anxiety as he looks towards another character out of shot. From these images we know that the film will contain some level of violence because the gun is often symbolic of this. It is also symbolic of power and authority so this too could play a pivotal role in the film.
Also, the opening has a narrator speaking. It is the voice of the man with the gun in his mouth, he speaks directly to the audience and this increases tension as we are drawn into his predicament.
The action is taking place in a high rise building as the character is shown from outside the glass window looking down into the streets below. From this we know that the film will take place in the city.
The lighting in the opening is very dark. The action is taking place at night similar to the typical setting of a horror. However we do not feel scared and therefore assume that this is a thriller rather than a horror.

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