Thursday 22 October 2009

Task 2: research into existing products

media terms: tools of textual analysis

camera shots:

  • close up
  • medium close up
  • extreme close up
  • medium shot
  • long shot
  • extreme long shot/establishing shot
  • crane shot
  • high angle shot
  • low angle shot
  • tracking shot
  • panning
  • point of view shot (POV)
  • over the shoulder
  • 2 shot
Genre: The classification of any media text into a category or type.

denotation: the surface or literal meaning of what we see.

connotation: the deeper meaning to what we see. for example a dove may have connotations or peace.

verisimilitude: the idea of a believable constructed world.

representation: how things are represented through the media text. (people,groups, places etc.)

Ideology: A system of beliefs/values, which can be identified in mass media.

mise en scene: what we can see in a shot.the design and arranging of the frame. This generally includes the locations design, props, and also design of actors clothing.

sound: within media sound is often used to create a particular atmosphere. weather its light and jovial or dark and tense;the specific choice of music is often used to reflect and emphasise this.

editing: Film editing is part of the post-production process of film making. the selection of shots or sound are often chosen to create a specific reaction from the demographic.

1 comment:

  1. This is goof so far, Jamie. Keep on adding to it. Don't forget to do the textual analyses and upload them.
